The Assamites are the assassins of the Kindred. They believe that they were descended from Haqim, or Assam, who fights against Khayyin, or Caine. Assamites seek to convert or eliminate any non-Assamites. They are unable to diablerize any vampires due to a curse bestowed upon them by Clan Tremere. They are able to decrease their generation through means known only to them.
To kill or convert as many of the Infidels (kindred) as possible.
5 adjectives to sum up the Assamites: Honorable, Ferocious, Cunning, Fanatics, Marshals
Did you know?: Assamites have two seperate castes: Warrior and Viziers
How are they in our game? Because of when our game takes place, the Assimites are still under the effects of the Tremere curse (see above). The curse isn't broken until 1997. However, the Assimites are considered exotic.
Affliation: Independant
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