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NIU by Night - Live Action Role Playing

Daughters of Cacophony

We had one Brittania in the Dark Ages game. In fact, you might call her the first one...

In our game, Daughters of Cacophony are considered Exotic. As such you need the storytellers permission to play.

Current Daughters of Cacophony

Elizabeth "Elle" Giovanni


This was a playable clan in the Dark Ages game. At any given time we had between one and four of them. The two most famous are Mordecai and The Cardenal

Salubri are considered exotic. As such it requries the ST permission.

Because of the unique nature of Salubri, any current Salubri will NOT be listed on this page.

Bloodlines are a different sort of beast then normal clans. Almost every clan has some form of bloodline, but that would take up way to much time and space talking about them. So this is just a quick mention of the different bloodlines that have shown up at NIU BY Night.

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