The Gangrel are the wanderers of the Kindred. They have a tendancy to be on the move and don't stay in one place very long. The Gangrel also suffer from the Curse of Caine in an interesting way: every time a Gangrel frenzies, they gain an animalistic feature (cat's eyes, a tail, etc). It is said that you can generally tell the age of a Gangrel by how many animal features they have.
The Gangrel clan has no goals.
5 adjectives to sum up the Gangrel: Animalistic, Enduring, Rugged, Tough, Loners
Did you know?: The Gangrel Antediluvian, Enoah is one of the few progenitors that has a name different from that of their clan.
How are they in our game: Again, because of the year that it takes place, Gangrel are still considered part of the Camerilla.
Affiliation: Independent/Camerilla
Notable Gangrel:
Travis Merryweather , Spider
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