
The Ravnos are from India and are decended from (or ancesters of) the Rrom (Gypsy). They belive strongly in Karma and the path of Paradox is based on that belief.


To teach other Cainites properly (mostly by tearing illusions from their eyes via subterfuge, thievery and lies) or destory them. Most Ravnos only know a little about this goal, if they know it at all. The hope is that the few they manage to enlightened relized their purpose as hralds of change and others should be slain and reincarnated.

5 adjectives to sum up the Ravnos: Tricksers, Theives, Deceivers, Charlitans, and Teachers.

What you may not know: There are two separate paths of paradox, the 'older' version from India and the 'newer' version the came about after the Ravnos started to leave.

How are they in our game?: The Week of Nightmares has not occured yet, but they are still exotic and hence you must have permission to play.

Affiliation: Independant

The notable Ravnos is: Katrina


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