Since going away for a week, with a few other members of the city, she has chosen skirts and nice shirts over her previous jeans and tank top. Her hair is almost always either down or in a bun, and she is never without her goggles, worn pushed up on her forhead. She had been speaking in a slight, hard to place accent, but the accent has slowly faded back to her normal, American accent. The pistols and her bag have not been seen in quiet some time, but have been replaced by a sword, strapped to her hip.
Mortal knowledge:
Granddaughter of a business man. Otherwise no one is quite sure.
Kindred Knowledge:
Grandchilde of Mark Alexander, the Brujah Primogen who disappeared in the Night of Shadows. She is the childe of the Anarch Paul. She has been in the city for about 8 or 9 years, and has occupied the position of Brujah Primogen for all but a handful of weeks. (when she first arrived and for two weeks right before the Cam Split). She is loyal to the Cam, but has dealings with the Anarchs.
Since going away, she retook the Primogen seat after being fired from the Seneschal position. She has also increased her dealings with the Mages. She has also become even more loyal to her clan then she was before.
Positions Held:
Former Seneschal, Current Brujah Primogen
Current Status:
(Camarilla) Loyal, Acknowledged, Well-Connected, Revered