to Character Creation |
Rules |
Former House Rules |
Current House Rules |
Free Traits |
10 Free Traits |
5 Free Traits, w/ 5-10
extra for detailed background info. |
Level Disciplines |
Basic Level Disciplines |
Basic & First
Intermediate in one; Special Gen Discipline Rules |
NA |
Treasure Box |
Treasure Box Not In Use |
NA |
Assamites listed w/ wrong
clan flaw |
Assamite clan flaws
correct |
NA |
Cappadocian Clan Included |
Cappadocians Removed from
Rules |
Extra level damage sunlight |
Rules a bit confusing,
but definitely always at least two levels |
Setites take one extra
health level |
negative frenzy traits unlimited |
Gangrel: negative frenzy
traits unlimited |
Gangrel: negative frenzy
traits unlimited |
Spirit Slave or extra influence |
Giovanni: Spirit Slave |
Giovanni: Spirit Slave or
extra influence |
Madness Network undetailed |
Madness Network as
ability |
Madness Network as
background |
cannot initiate Social Challenges |
Can initiate SCs, cannot
take Nos book negatives |
Can initiate SCs, first
three traits must be |
repugnant, others can be
from Nos book |
No mention of Unbondable |
Unbondable does not help
against clan flaw |
Unbondable does not help
against clan flaw |
Permanent level of Resources |
Extra Resources level
gone |
Extra Level of Resources |
Seven Cam clans plus Lasombra allowed |
spend Will to enter test if do not have |
Do not have to spend Will |
Do not have to spend Will |
ability |
NA |
Abilities take extra time
to learn higher |
Abilities take extra time
to learn higher |
by Background |
Generation by Background |
Generation by Draw
(Chance) |
usable to raise blood before game |
Herd adjusts draw from
nightly feed box |
Herd adds blood after
nightly feed tests |
NA |
Additional VL choices in
influences |
Additional VL choices for
certain Influences |
made available for
current game |
NA |
NA |
Media & Police taboo
as starting Influences |
For a ghoul to buy a discipline it is 6 points for basic.
12 points for intermediate and 18 points for advanced. |
The purchase of the 3
"Physical" Disciplines of Celerity, Potence, and Fortitude are 4
points for Basic, 7 points of Intermediate, and 18 points for Advanced |
ghoul's discipline limits depend on the generation of the regnant. Please see
storyteller for more information. |
Alterations to
Disciplines List |
Rules |
Former House Rules |
Current House Rules |
Retests only listed |
All: Offensive/Defensive
listed |
All: Offensive Defensive
listed |
Feral Whispers: no test needed for |
Test not mentioned for
basic communication |
No test needed for basic
communication |
communication |
is one trait per animal |
Traits spent have
exponential effect |
Traits spent have
exponential effect |
Quell the Beast takes a Will
trait to |
Does not work on
supernaturals except to |
Works on supernaturals;
special retest rules |
on a vampire |
bring vamp out of
frenzy; special retest rules |
Special possession and
wraith rules |
the Spirit: injuries transfer |
Injuries do not transfer |
Injuries transfer based
on level of bond |
out the Beast: character only |
Penalties suffered
regardless |
Character only suffers
penalties if victim leaves sight |
penalties if victim leaves sight |
Auspex: Trait modifiers based on level |
2 level higher rule
originally, then need to |
Canon rules; same rules
vs Chimerstry |
be same level to
challenge, otherwise lose |
Senses: Stunned for turn |
No stun if overwhelmed. |
Stunned based on
circumstances. |
sense overwhelmed |
Perception: diff = target's mental traits |
No mention of difficulty |
No mention of difficulty |
Touch: takes one turn concentration |
No mention of how long it
takes |
Takes one turn
concentration to initiate |
to initiate |
must spend Mental trait to use |
No expenditure req for
supernaturals |
No expenditure req for
supernaturals |
Supernatural creatures |
Rapidity: must announce have the bomb |
Do not have to announce
have the bomb |
Must announce have at
Rapidity or more. |
Chimerstry: |
Chimerstry works like
Obfuscate |
Chimerstry works like
Obfuscate against |
against Auspex; knowing
somebody |
Auspex; special blood
learning rules; |
is Ravnos not enough for
disbelief |
Knowing Ravnos does not
equal disbelief |
Reality: no challenge to stake |
No challenge to stake |
Must make usual
challenges to stake |
Dementation: need not be insane |
Gain a Derangement upon
learning |
Gain a Derangement upon
learning |
no mention of frenzy |
Passion: will not end
Frenzy |
Passion: will not end
Frenzy |
Haunting: much more potent |
Does not cause full-blown
Schizophrenia |
Does not cause full-blown
Schizophrenia |
of Chaos |
Receive insight power
added |
Receive insight power
added |
of Madness: Mortals always affected; |
Mortals get to make test,
Willpower cannot negate |
Mortals get to make test,
Willpower cannot negate |
can negate |
Insanity: Spend 1 Will |
Spend up to 3 Will; some
may remain |
Spend up to 3 Will; some
may remain |
if some derangements
previously had |
if some derangements
previously had |
Dominate: same gen or higher |
One gen lower than self
or higher |
Same gen or higher |
victims total zombies |
Victims still have free
will until ordered |
Victims still have free
will until ordered |
injuries transfer |
Injuries do not transfer |
Injuries transfer based
on level of bond |
Fortitude: Resistence: No extra health level |
No extra health level |
Extra Health Level |
level Aegis |
Advanced level Defiance
(post-challenge on ties) |
Advanced level Defiance
(post-challenge on ties) |
Melpominee: Siren's Beckoning: No cost, random |
1 Blood Point, random
derangement unless Empathy trait spent |
1 Blood Point, random
derangement unless Empathy trait spent |
chosen derangement |
Mortis not in main book |
Mortis in House Rules |
Mortis in House Rules |
Necromancy: Compel Soul: only works on |
Will work on nearby
wraiths |
Will work on nearby
wraiths |
Wraiths |
1 perm will for 1 year |
1 perm will for 1 year +
1 day |
1 perm will for 1 year +
1 day |
Harrowing not mentioned |
Wraiths in harrowing
discussed |
Wraiths in harrowing
discussed |
Nihilo: 1 combat round to use |
2 combat rounds to use |
2 combat rounds to use |
works on any corpse |
Must have had prior
physical contact |
Must have had prior
physical contact |
Obeah in main book |
Not in house rules |
Not in house rules |
Obfuscate: note not mentioned |
Mortal children &
animals immune at times |
Mortal children &
animals immune at times |
Obtenebration: Shroud of Night: can be |
Cannot be summoned
subconsciously in Rotschreck |
Cannot be summoned
subconsciously in Rotschreck |
subconsciously in Rotschreck |
note: the hand signal for Shroud is a LOT like the bomb, and should probably
be altered. |
of the Abyss: subconscious use; |
No subconscious use: must
have as many |
No subconscious use: must
have as many |
shadow limit; fine manipulation possible |
person-sized shadows as
you wish arms; |
person-sized shadows as
you wish arms; |
nothing more precise than
carry objects |
nothing more precise than
carry objects |
Potence: Potence cancels out the Heavy trait on items; one negative
trait of Heavy may be ignored for every level of Potence possessed. |
required to tell if you have bomb |
Not required to tell if
you have bomb |
Required to tell if have
Vigor or better |
Make tests to see if
weapons crack |
Make tests to see if
weapons crack |
two levels damage by |
Puissance: three levels
damage by |
Puissance: two levels
damage by |
Presence: Awe: NA |
Extra attention-grabber
power |
Extra attention-grabber
power |
more potent in wording |
Renders target more
malleable, but not necessarily friendly |
Renders target more
malleable, but not necessarily friendly |
Protean: Retest Survival |
Retest: Dodge |
Retest: Survival or Dodge
as appropriate |
Meld: character intangible |
Character physically
there, undetectable |
Character intangible |
of the Beast: F Claws in battle form |
Feral claws cost an extra
blood point |
Feral Claws automatic in
battle form |
Form: Instantly change back |
Full turn to change back |
Full turn to change back |
Note not added |
Powers requiring contact
must touch or break skin, not clothes |
Powers requiring contact
must touch or break skin, not clothes |
Serpentis: Form of the Cobra: bite affects mortals |
Bite also affects
Supernaturals specially |
Bite also affects
Supernaturals specially |
of Darkness: willing victims only |
Unwilling victims
possible but difficult |
Unwilling victims
possible but difficult |
Thanatosis in main book |
Not in House Rules |
Not in House rules |
Vicissitude: basic reqs for Bodycraft |
Tougher reqs for
Bodycrafting |
Tougher reqs for
Bodycrafting |